Project management system built with Laravel.
Project management system built with Laravel.
Built with Laravel 5, keep food from getting expired.
A responsive web template to show case your app.
A tool for web designers and developers.
The first version of my portfolio, punyweblab.
A delicious e-commerce site build with shopify.
My name is Jefry Cruz. I’m a web developer living in New York City and working with clients all over the world. My exposure to programming started with C# while creating Windows phone 7 apps. That journey has taken me all the way to my true love, web development where I've enjoyed taking projects from concepts to implementations.
XHTML, CSS 3, Javascript (Jquery), PHP (Laravel), MySql, Wordpress, Twitter Bootstrap, Foundation
Photoshop CS5, Gridular design, Responsive, Adaptive, Terminal, Git
Proficient in developing on the following os's: Windows 8, Mac OSX, Ubuntu